Thrills 2000AD Letters: 39
Other Letters: 7

The Doppelgarp 22 episodes (Progs 451 to 472) 87 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Massimo Belardinelli,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 92
The Best of 2000AD 93
Dirty Jocks 5 episodes (Progs 27 to 31) 21 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day,
Artist: Mike Dorey (1), Carlos Pino (2, 4), Luis Collado (3, 5),
Letters: Tony Jacob (1), John Aldrich (2-3), Peter Knight (4-5)
Reprinted Rebellion: Invasion !
The Prince 8 episodes (Progs 37 to 44) 39 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day,
Artist: Carlos Pino (1, 3, 5, 7), Mike Dorey (2, 4, 6, 8),
Letters: Tom Frame (1), Tony Jacob (2), Bill Nuttall (4,7), Peter Knight (6)
Reprinted 2000AD Extreme Edition 3 (1-2, 4)
Rebellion: Invasion !
Hollow World 12 episodes (Progs 12 to 23) 65 pages
Script: Steve Moore,
Artist: Massimo Belardinelli,
Letters: Peter Knight (1, 3-7, 9-10), John Aldrich (1, 5, 11-12), Bill Nuttall (2, 10), J. Swain (3), Tony Jacob (6), Jack Potter (8-9), Tom Frame (8)
Featuring: The Mekon
Frankenstein II 1 episode (Prog 6) 4 pages
Script: Malcolm Shaw,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted 2000AD Annual 1983
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 1
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 21, Colour: Unknown
Antique Car Heist 1 episode (Prog 8) 4 pages
Script: Charles Herring,
Artist: Massimo Belardinelli,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Dredd's face 'seen' for the first time
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 1
Robot Wars 8 episodes (Progs 10 to 17) 41 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Carlos Ezquerra (1), Ron Turner (2, 4, 7), Mike McMahon (3, 6), Ian Gibson (5, 8),
Letters: John Aldrich (1, 5), Bill Nuttall (2), Jack Potter (3-4, 6), Tony Jacob (7), Peter Knight (8)
Featuring: First appearance of Walter the Wobot in ep. 1.
Reprinted Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 1 (1-6)
The Complete Judge Dredd 2 (7-8)
Judge Dredd Annual 1986 (1)
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 1 (1-5), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 2 (6-8), Colour: John Burns
Dream Palace 1 episode (Prog 26) 5 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 2, Colour: John Burns
The Academy of Law 2 episodes (Progs 27 to 28) 9 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Ian Gibson (1), Mike McMahon (2),
Letters: Bill Nuttall (1), Tony Jacob (2)
Featuring: First appearances of Judge Giant Snr (as cadet in training), Judge Griffin (Principal, Academy of Law, later Chief Judge)
aka Rookie. First appearance of the Academy of Law. Timeline data: 2099
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 2
Judge Dredd Annual 1985
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 4, Colour: John Burns
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 20, Colour: Unknown
The Neon Knights 1 episode (Prog 29) 6 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Ian Gibson,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Featuring: Walter the Wobot
aka KKK
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 05, Colour: Unknown
Judge Dredd Annual 1984
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 4, Colour: John Burns
Titan: Robo-Hunter Book 2
The Return of Rico 1 episode (Prog 30) 6 pages - Read Online
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Featuring: Rico Dredd, Maria
This story features the first appearance of Dredd's clone brother, Rico. It was also revealed Dredd's first name as Joe. The Return of Rico was one of the stories used in the Judge Dredd movie in 1995. Timeline data: 2099
Reprinted Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Fleetway: Judge Dredd Definitive Ed. Hall of Justice
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 14, Colour: John Burns
Devil's Island 1 episode (Prog 31) 4 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day,
Artist: Ian Gibson,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Featuring: "Whitey" Logan escapes
aka Return of Whitey
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Judge Dredd Annual 1984
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 52, Colour: Unknown
Komputel 1 episode (Prog 32) 5 pages
Script: Robert Flynn,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Judge Dredd Annual 1983
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 28, Colour: Unknown
Walter's Secret Job 1 episode (Prog 33) 5 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Ian Gibson,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Featuring: Walter the Wobot
aka Cab Driver
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 73
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 14, Colour: Unknown
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 3, Colour: John Burns
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 24, Colour: Unknown
Titan: Robo-Hunter Book 4
Mutie the Pig 2 episodes (Progs 34 to 35) 10 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon (1), Ian Gibson (2),
Letters: Tony Jacob
Featuring: Walter the Wobot, Maria
aka Death of Dredd
Reprinted 2000AD Prog 351 (1)
2000AD Prog 352 (2)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 4, Colour: John Burns
The Troggies 2 episodes (Progs 36 to 37) 8 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Ian Gibson (1), Mike McMahon (2),
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Judge Dredd Annual 1985
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 4, Colour: John Burns
Billy Jones 1 episode (Prog 38) 4 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Ian Gibson,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Featuring: Judge Giant Snr
aka Bogey Man
Reprinted 2000AD Annual 1984
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 3, Colour: John Burns
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 52, Colour: Unknown
Titan: Robo-Hunter Book 4
The Mega-City 5000 2 episodes (Progs 40 to 41) 18 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Bill Ward (1), Brian Bolland (2),
Letters: Tony Jacob
Featuring: Judge Giant Snr
First appearance of Spikes 'Harvey' Rotten in ep. 1.
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 3, Colour: John Burns
Luna 1 1 episode (Prog 42) 5 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Ian Gibson,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Featuring: Walter the Wobot
Marshall on the Moon
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 4
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 5, Colour: John Burns
Showdown on Luna 1 1 episode (Prog 43) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 4
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 5, Colour: John Burns
Meet Mr Moonie 1 episode (Prog 46) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Ian Gibson,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 4
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 5, Colour: John Burns
The Oxygen Desert 2 episodes (Progs 48 to 49) 13 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Ian Gibson,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 4
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 5, Colour: John Burns
Flesh Book 1 19 episodes (Progs 1 to 19) 87 pages
Script: Pat Mills (1, 18-19), Ken Armstrong (2-4, 8), Studio Giolitti (5, 9, 10, 13), Kelvin Gosnell (6-7, 11-12, 14-17),
Artist: Boix (1-2, 8-10, 14), Ramon Sola (3-7, 10-12, 15-16, 19), Felix Carrion (13, 17-18),
Letters: Bill Nuttall (1-5, 16), Jack Potter (6-8, 12, 19), J. Swain (13), S. Richardson (9), John Aldrich (10, 14), Peter Knight (11-12), Bennsberg (15), Tony Jacob (17), Tom Frame (18)
Reprinted 2000AD Annual 1982 (1-3)
2000AD Annual 1984 (4-7)
2000AD Annual 1989 (11-18)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.04 (1-3)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.05 (4-7)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.06 (8-14)
Judge Dredd Megazine 4.07 (15-19)
Quality: Scavengers 14 (4-7), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 15 (8-11), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 16 (12-15), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 17 (16-19), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 13 (1-3), Colour: Unknown
The Wages of Sin 1 episode (Prog 257) 6 pages - Read Online
Script: Alan Moore,
Artist: Bryan Talbot,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Tharg's Future Shocks Complete Alan Moore Future Shocks
Titan: Tharg's Future Shocks Alan Moore's Shocking Futures
Quality: Time Twisters 03, Colour: Unknown
Harry 20 on the High Rock 21 episodes (Progs 287 to 307) 106 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day,
Artist: Alan Davis,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 209 (1-4)
Judge Dredd Megazine 210 (5-7)
Judge Dredd Megazine 211 (8-11)
Judge Dredd Megazine 212 (12-16)
Judge Dredd Megazine 213 (17-21)
The Best of 2000AD 28
Hell Trekkers 29 episodes (Progs 387 to 415) 120 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant as F Martin Candor,
Artist: Jose Ortiz (1), Horacio Lalia (2-29),
Letters: Tom Frame (2-3), Tony Jacob (4-29)
Megazine reprint contains the first episode in a previously unpublished form, as drawn for the abortive 'Dredd Fortnightly' of 1984.
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 218 (1-6)
Judge Dredd Megazine 219 (7-11)
Judge Dredd Megazine 220 (12-16)
Judge Dredd Megazine 221 (17-21)
Judge Dredd Megazine 222 (22-25)
Judge Dredd Megazine 223 (26-29)
Quality: Scavengers 15 (1-3), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 16 (4-6), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 17 (7-9), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 18 (10-12), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 19 (13-14), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 20 (15-17), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 21 (18-20), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 22 (21-22), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 23 (23), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 24 (24-26), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 25 (27-28), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 26 (29), Colour: Unknown
Joe Black's Tall Tale! 1 episode (Prog 241) 3 pages
Script: Kelvin Gosnell,
Artist: John Higgins,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Battleship 1 episode (Prog 3) 6 pages
Script: Nick Allen,
Artist: Massimo Belardinelli,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted 2000AD Annual 1982
Our Man in Turkostan 1 episode (Prog 9) 5 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: John Cooper,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted 2000AD Extreme Edition 6
On the Roof of the World 1 episode (Prog 10) 6 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Enio,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted 2000AD Extreme Edition 6
Yeti 1 episode (Prog 15) 6 pages
Script: Peter Harris,
Artist: Marzal Canos,
Letters: Tony Jacob
King Karat 1 episode (Prog 24) 5 pages
Script: Roy Preston,
Artist: Massimo Belardinelli,
Letters: Tony Jacob
The Southampton Sharks 19 episodes (Progs 178 to 202) 76 pages
Script: Tom Tully,
Artist: John Richardson (1-15, 18), Steve Dillon (16-17), Johnny Johnstone (19),
Letters: Peter Knight (1-4, 6-11, 13, 16-18), Bill Nuttall (5, 19), Tony Jacob (12, 14), Steve Potter (15)
Not in Progs 181, 188, 189, 190, 195, 196
Reprinted Quality: Bad Company 04 (1-3), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 05 (4-5), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 06 (6-7), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 07 (8-9), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 08 (10-11), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 09 (12-13), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 10 (14-15), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 11 (16-17), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Bad Company 12 (18-19), Colour: Unknown
Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of (1-5)
2000AD Extreme Edition 26
Mean Team 11 episodes (Progs 437 to 447) 53 pages
Script: John Wagner and Alan Grant as "The Beast",
Artist: Massimo Belardinelli,
Letters: Tom Frame (1), Tony Jacob (2-11)
Reprinted Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of (1-7)
The Best of 2000AD 79
The Best of 2000AD 80
2000AD Extreme Edition 25
Killer Watt 2 episodes (Progs 178 to 179) 7 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Comic Rock: Inspired by Killer Watts album
Reprinted Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of
The Best of 2000AD Special Edition 1999
The Best of 2000AD 3
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Death to all Aliens
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Nemesis: The Beginning
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 1
The Possessed 1 episode (Prog 375) 5 pages
Script: Peter Milligan,
Artist: Trevor Goring,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd Classics 63, Colour: Unknown
Rebellion: Tharg's Future Shocks The Best of
Quality: Time Twisters 02, Colour: Unknown
Shako 16 episodes (Progs 20 to 35) 76 pages
Script: Pat Mills (1-4), John Wagner (1-16),
Artist: Ramon Sola (1, 6, 8, 10), Juan Arancio (2-4), Dodderio (5), Lopez-Vera (7, 9, 11-16),
Letters: Jack Potter (1-6, 11-15), Tony Jacob (7), Peter Knight (8), John Aldrich (9-10, 16)
Reprinted 2000AD Annual 1986 (abridged)
Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of (1-2)
2000AD Extreme Edition 18
Quality: Scavengers 18 (1-4 & 10), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Scavengers 19 (11-16), Colour: Unknown
Skizz 21 episodes (Progs 308 to 330) 94 pages
Script: Alan Moore,
Artist: Jim Baikie,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 82
The Best of 2000AD 83
DC/Rebellion: Skizz
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 1 (1-2?), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 2 (3-4?), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 3 (5-6?), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 4 (7-8?), Colour: Janet Landau
Titan: Skizz Book 1
Titan: Skizz Skizz
Tharg Saves the Day! 1 episode (Prog 182) 7 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Carlos Ezquerra,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 63
2000AD Extreme Edition 26
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