Thrills 2000AD Writer: 4
2000AD Artist: 25
Megazine Artist: 2
Other Writer: 2
Other Artist: 19
Covers 2000AD: 38
Other: 14
Reprints: 8
US Reprints: 8
Graphic Novels: 9
Star Scans: 17
Artwork Sketches: 1
Wallpaper: 2

ABC Warriors 1 episode (Prog 119) 10 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill,
Letters: Steve Potter
Reprinted Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 1
Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of (1)
DC/Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Meknificent Seven
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Mek-nificent Seven
The Order of Knights Martial 2 episodes (Progs 123 to 124) 12 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill (1) and Brett Ewins (2),
Letters: Peter Knight
Reprinted Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 1
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 01 (2)
DC/Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Meknificent Seven
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Mek-nificent Seven
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 06 (2), Colour: Unknown
Bonjo from Beyond the Stars 10 episodes (Progs 41 to 50) 10 pages
Script: Kevin O'Neill,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill
Reprinted 2000AD Annual 1984
2000AD Extreme Edition 3 (1-4)
Quality: Scavengers 23 (1-3 & 5-11?), Colour: Unknown
Dash Decent 20 episodes (Progs 178 to 198) 21 pages
Script: Dave Angus and Kevin O'Neill,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill,
Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Captain Klep (ep. 1 and 16)
Not in Prog 180
Reprinted 2000AD Yearbook 1992
Quality: Halo Jones 05 (1-10), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Halo Jones 06 (11-20), Colour: Unknown
The Law According to Dredd 2 episodes (Progs 474 to 475) 14 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 73
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 10
Classic Judge Dredd 7
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 35, Colour: Unknown
Titan: Judge Dredd Mega City Vice Book 1
Varks 1 episode (Prog 503) 8 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 10
Classic Judge Dredd 12
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 14, Colour: Unknown
Titan: Judge Dredd Rough Justice
What If Judges Did Ads? 1 episode (Prog 521) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Brett Ewins/Ian Gibson/Robin Smith/Kevin O'Neill/Cam Kennedy
Featuring: Judge Death
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 10
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 22
2000AD Extreme Edition 1 (page 4 only)
Wings 1 episode (Prog 28) 2 pages
Script: Kevin O'Neill,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill,
Letters: Peter Knight
Reprinted Quality: Time Twisters 15, Colour: Unknown
Play Pool! 1 episode (Prog 36) 1 pages
Script: Kelvin Gosnell,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill
Metalzoic 10 episodes (Progs 483 to 492) 64 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill
Originally published in a colour graphic novel by DC
Terror Tube 1 episode (Prog 167) 6 pages - Read Online
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill,
Letters: Steve Potter
Comic Rock: Inspired by Going Underground - The Jam
Reprinted Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of
The Best of 2000AD Special Edition 1999
The Best of 2000AD 3
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Death to all Aliens
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Nemesis: The Beginning
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 1
Killer Watt 2 episodes (Progs 178 to 179) 7 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Comic Rock: Inspired by Killer Watts album
Reprinted Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of
The Best of 2000AD Special Edition 1999
The Best of 2000AD 3
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Death to all Aliens
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Nemesis: The Beginning
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 1
The World of Termight (Book 1) 17 episodes (Progs 222 to 244) 71 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill
Featuring: Torquemada
Not in Progs 234, 235, 236, 237, 241, 242
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 5 (1-5)
The Best of 2000AD 6 (6-8)
The Best of 2000AD 7 (9-11)
The Best of 2000AD 8 (12-17)
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Death to all Aliens
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Nemesis: The Beginning
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 1
The World of Nemesis (Book 3) 15 episodes (Progs 335 to 349) 71 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill,
Letters: Steve Potter
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 44
The Best of 2000AD 45 (15)
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Nemesis: The Beginning
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 2
The Gothic Empire (Book 4) 20 episodes (Progs 387 to 406) 94 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill (1-2) and Bryan Talbot (3-20)
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 38 (1-13)
The Best of 2000AD 39 (14-20)
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 3
Quality: Spellbinders 01 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 02 (3-5), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 03 (6-8), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 04 (9-11), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 05 (12-17), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Spellbinders 06 (18-20), Colour: Unknown
Ego Trip 1 episode (Prog 430) 6 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill
Reprinted Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 2
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 4
Quality: Spellbinders 06, Colour: Unknown
Torquemada the God 5 episodes (Progs 520 to 524) 25 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 100
Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 2
Titan: Nemesis the Warlock Book 6
Book X: The Final Conflict 10 episodes (Progs 1165 to 1173) 60 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Henry Flint (1-9), Kevin O'Neill (10),
Letters: Steve Potter
Episode 10 in 2000AD Prog 2000.
Reprinted Rebellion: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 3
Tubular Hells 1 episode (Prog 2000) 6 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill,
Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Hammerstein's War Memoirs 5 episodes (Progs 88 to 92) 30 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill, Mike Dorey, Dave Gibbons
Reprinted 2000AD Annual 1988 (23 pages)
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 02 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 03 (3-4), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 04 (5), Colour: Unknown
2000AD Extreme Edition 24
Titan: Ro-Busters Book 1
Rebellion: Ro-Busters The Complete
Fall & Rise of Ro-Jaws and Hammerstein 13 episodes (Progs 103 to 115) 78 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill, Mike McMahon and Mike Dorey
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 71 (1-11)
The Best of 2000AD 72 (12-13)
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 08 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 09 (3-4), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 10 (5-6), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 11 (7-8), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 12 (9-10), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 13 (11-13), Colour: Unknown
2000AD Extreme Edition 24
Titan: Ro-Busters Book 2
Rebellion: Ro-Busters The Complete
The Inside Story 1 episode (Prog 144) 3 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill,
Letters: John Aldrich
Featuring: Ro-Busters
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 263
The Best of 2000AD 104
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 07, Colour: Unknown
Titan: Ro-Busters Book 1
Tharg and the Intruder 1 episode (Prog 24) 3 pages
Script: Kevin O'Neill,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill,
Letters: Peter Knight
Tharg's Head Revisited 1 episode (Prog 500)
Script: Tharg the Mighty,
Artist: Dave Gibbons, Ian Gibson, Cam Kennedy, Mike McMahon and Kevin O'Neill
Featuring: Invasion, Dan Dare, Rogue Trooper, A.B.C. Warriors, Big E in Action, Harlem Heroes, Metalzoic, Judge Dredd, Halo Jones, Robo-Hunter, Mean Machine, Satanus, Chopper, Venus Bluegenes, Nemesis the Warlock, Torquemada, Bonjo from Beyond the Stars, Dash Decent
Reprinted Quality: Time Twisters 21, Colour: Unknown
A Night 2 Remember 1 episode (Prog 1280) 10 pages
Script: Pat Mills/Gordon Rennie/Robbie Morrison/Dan Abnett/John Tomlinson/Alan Grant/Grant Morrison/Mike Carey/Andy Diggle/Garth Ennis,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill/Frazer Irving/Ian Gibson/Simon Davis/Kevin Walker/John Higgins/Steve Yeowell/Anthony Williams/Jock/Dave Gibbons,
Letters: Tom Frame (pages 1-9), Dave Gibbons (page 10)
Featuring: Marshal Law, M.A.C.H.1, Judge Dredd, Finn, Invasion, Storming Heaven, Nikolai Dante, Halo Jones, Sinister Dexter, Torquemada, Judge Death, A.B.C. Warriors, Tor Cyan, Walter the Wobot, Strontium Dog, Ace Trucking, Stix, Zenith, D.R. & Quinch, Mazeworld, Lenny Zero, Judge Anderson, Hewligan's Haircut, The Balls Brothers, The Spacegirls
Set at the 25th Anniversary party at Ministry of Sound
Click HERE for a printer friendly view.