Thrills2000AD Writer: 2 Megazine Writer: 3 Other Writer: 2
Fan InputPhotos: 16
Tharg's NewsroundThe Summer Assault! New Thrills for Prog 1577! Autumn Offensive 2003 Brian Bolland returns to 2000AD 2000 AD & MEGAZINE NOMINATED IN 2007 EAGLE AWARDS! Rogue Trooper official website now available! EMAIL FORWARDING NOW WORKING TOM FRAME 1931-2006 A Shower of Zarjaz Graphic Novels for April! Rebellion to Continue Line of Graphic Novels without DC Keep up with the Joneses! Spring into Action with March's range of graphic novels! Hitmen, Black Holes and Mrs Anderson's Little Girl Colin MacNeil Art Auction Winner! Al Ewing signing at Forbidden Planet! Metro Dredd arriving 26.1.04! PAT MILLS INTERVIEW ON RESONANCE FM Return of the Avenger! A Taxing Time for Johnny & Wulf Here comes trouble... JUDGE DREDD JOINS THE WAR AGAINST TERROR! New Moon Rising! JOHNNY ALPHA: BOUNTY HUNTER... MUTANT HERO... TRAITOR?
The Final Cut (Black Flame Novel Judge Dredd: The Final Cut) 256 pages Script: Matt Smith Novel
Trigger Happy! (2000AD Prog 2003) 3 pages Script: Matt Smith Article on the Dredd vs. Death computer game
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Judge Dredd and 2000 AD © Rebellion A/S 2008. BARNEY is a fan site by based on 2000 AD Online 2001-2008.