Thrills 2000AD Writer: 1
2000AD Artist: 21
2000AD Letters: 1
Megazine Writer: 1
Megazine Artist: 4
Megazine Colour: 2
Megazine Letters: 1
Other Artist: 13
Other Colour: 7
Covers 2000AD: 31
Other: 2
Star Scans: 14
Artwork Sketches: 1
Fan Input Photos: 1

Four Dark Judges 12 episodes (Progs 416 to 427) 62 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Brett Ewins (1-7), Cliff Robinson (8-10, 12), Robin Smith (11)
Featuring: Judge Death, The Dark Judges
Reprinted Titan: Judge Anderson The Collected Judge Anderson
The Best of 2000AD 53
Titan: Judge Anderson Death's Dark Dimension
DC/Rebellion: Judge Anderson
Fleetway Quality: Psi-Judge Anderson 01 (1-6)
Fleetway Quality: Psi-Judge Anderson 02 (7-12)
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Judge Death Lives!
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 1 (1-3), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 2 (4-6), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 3 (7-9), Colour: Janet Landau
Eagle: 2000AD Monthly/Presents/Showcase 4 (10-12), Colour: Janet Landau
Titan: Judge Anderson Book 1
Rebellion: Judge Anderson The Psi Files Volume 01
Bad City Blue 10 episodes (Progs 468 to 477) 50 pages
Script: Alan Grant,
Artist: Robin Smith
Reprinted 2000AD Extreme Edition 14
Monsteroso 1 episode (Prog 412) 7 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Robin Smith
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 08
The Complete Judge Dredd 41
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 43, Colour: Unknown
Perp Aid 2 episodes (Progs 482 to 483) 12 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Robin Smith and Ron Smith
aka The Urge
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 10
Classic Judge Dredd 8
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 26, Colour: Unknown
Pinboing Replay 1 episode (Prog 490) 7 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Robin Smith
Featuring: Max Normal
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 10
Classic Judge Dredd 9
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 49, Colour: Unknown
What If Judges Did Ads? 1 episode (Prog 521) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Brett Ewins/Ian Gibson/Robin Smith/Kevin O'Neill/Cam Kennedy
Featuring: Judge Death
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 10
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 22
2000AD Extreme Edition 1 (page 4 only)
Reasons to be Fearful 1 episode (Prog 528) 7 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Robin Smith
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 11
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 55, Colour: Unknown
The Big Day 1 episode (Prog 270) 2 pages
Script: Alan Moore,
Artist: Robin Smith
Reprinted Rebellion: Tharg's Future Shocks Complete Alan Moore Future Shocks
Doin' Time 1 episode (Prog 441) 3 pages
Script: Peter Milligan,
Artist: Robin Smith
Reprinted Rebellion: Tharg's Future Shocks The Best of
Scablands 1 episode (Prog 1607) 5 pages
Script: Arthur Wyatt,
Artist: Robin Smith,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Legacy System 1 episode (Prog 1640) 5 pages
Script: Arthur Wyatt,
Artist: Robin Smith,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Boxes 1 episode (Prog 1714) 4 pages
Script: T. C. Eglington,
Artist: Robin Smith,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Trading Faces 1 episode (Prog 1726) 4 pages
Script: T. C. Eglington,
Artist: Robin Smith,
Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Connection Lost 1 episode (Prog 1872) 4 pages
Script: Eddie Robson,
Artist: Robin Smith,
Letters: Simon Bowland
Captain Klep 5 episodes (Progs 127 to 139) 5 pages
Script: Dave Angus,
Artist: Unknown (1-2, 5), Robin Smith (3-4)
Featuring: Tharg The Mighty (1, 5)
Not in Progs 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 136, 137, 138
Lord Klep 8 episodes (Progs 140 to 149) 8 pages
Script: Dave Angus,
Artist: Robin Smith
Featuring: Monkey in a hat (3, 4), Kelly plus The Steel Claw, Archie Robot and Digby (7)
Not in Progs 142, 148
The Case of the Five Bang! Six Dead Taxi Drivers 4 episodes (Progs 156 to 159) 4 pages
Script: Kev F Sutherland,
Artist: Robin Smith
A History Of 2000 AD In 5 Pages 1 episode (Prog 1526) 5 pages
Script: Robin Smith,
Artist: Robin Smith,
Letters: Robin Smith
Kismet 1 episode (Prog 333) 3 pages
Script: Chris Lowder as Jack Adrian,
Artist: Robin Smith,
Letters: Tom Frame
Que Sera, Sera 1 episode (Prog 346) 2 pages
Script: Alan Grant,
Artist: Robin Smith
Reprinted Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 43, Colour: Unknown
Cassandra Anderson hadn't become a Judge 1 episode (Prog 1773) 6 pages
Script: Alan Grant,
Artist: Robin Smith,
Letters: Ellie De Ville
Featuring: Judge Anderson
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 388
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