Gar's Lace Bobbin Collection
Series E - Wooden Bobbins with Pewter

[A - Names][B - Inscriptions][C - Bone][D - Sets]
[E - Pewter][F - Bitted/Spliced][H - Midlands]
[J - Bucks][K - Honiton & Modern]

Bobbin E1
A "Tiger"
£15.50 - Sold ($24.80)
Bobbin E2
A Leopard bobbin.
Bobbin E5
The decoration on this bobbin is combined 'butterfly' and 'tiger'.
£17 - Sold ($27.2)
Bobbin E7
"Butterfly" with 2 "Tiger" bands and nice spangle.
£30.25 - Sold ($48.40)
Bobbin E8
Trolley bobbin from South Buckinghamshire.
£20.50 - Sold ($32.80)
Bobbin E10
"Tiger" bobbin. A very nice specimen.
£11.50 - Sold ($18.40)
Bobbin E11
A nice 'leopard' bobbin with interesting spangle.
$51 - Sold
Bobbin E12
A compound bobbin. "Butterfly" and 4 "Tiger" bands

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