GDW Traveller

Item Price in Sterling (not including shipping)
Deluxe Traveller (books 0-3, adventure 0, map) [jpeg] 42 - Sold on eBay
The Traveller Book (hardback) [jpeg]
Book #4 (Mercenary) 5
Supplements #1-4, 6-11 4 each - sold
Adventures #1-8 4 each - sold
Double Adventures #1-6 4 each - sold
Best of the Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society #1-2 5 each - #2 sold
IISS Ship Files (GW) 5 - sold
Personal Data Files (character sheets by GW) 5
Mayday [jpeg] 15 - eBay
Snapshot [jpeg] 20 - eBay
Invasion Earth [jpeg] 46 - Sold on eBay
Azhanti High Lightning 35 - sold
Fifth Frontier War 25 - sold
Striker 26 - sold

If you wish to buy any of the above items please email me at I'm in Oxford, UK but can accept cheques in both Sterling and US Dollars. For more details goto

This page was last updated on 24 November 1999.