594 Chopper Colin MacNeil
611 Judge Inspector Sadu Colin MacNeil
628 Judge Dredd Colin MacNeil
636 Mega-City One Colin MacNeil
644 Judge Dredd Colin MacNeil
654 Chopper Colin MacNeil
660 Chopper Colin MacNeil
665 Chopper Colin MacNeil
686 Strontium Dog Colin MacNeil
710 Tharg The Mighty Colin MacNeil
736 Mega-City One Colin MacNeil
815 Judge Dredd Colin MacNeil
867 Tharg The Mighty Colin MacNeil
922 The Corps Paul Marshall Colin MacNeil
978 Judge Giant Colin MacNeil
1307 Rogue Trooper Colin MacNeil
1388 Chopper Colin MacNeil
1488 Judge Dredd Colin MacNeil
1546 Judge Dredd Colin MacNeil
1584 Judge Dredd Colin MacNeil
1892 Judge Dredd Colin MacNeil
Judge Dredd and 2000 AD © Rebellion A/S 2008. BARNEY is a fan site by based on 2000 AD Online 2001-2008.