14: World Without End - 2000AD prog 805

The rest of the Lloigor join Ruby in Peyne’s room. Considering his book as interesting as ant tracks in the dirt, they grow wings and fly up into the sky, spinning up and around until the planet could no longer hold them, and then shooting out into space, growing even bigger than galaxies. And there it is, the horizon of the universe, the curve of spacetime. They scream as they realise that they can not pass this barrier, although they can see what lies beyond: a bigger, greater power then they could imagine.
“And beyond the prison universe, there’s a hand.”
Peter St John puts Chimera back down on his desk in his Number 10, Downing Street office and laughs. The Lloigor are trapped inside. He quotes William Blake’s ‘Auguries of Innocence’:
“To see a world in a grain of sand,
And Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.”

Cover art by Steve Yeowell