Eye of the Fish (Eagle 1 to 1) 4 pages
Script: Roy Preston,
Artist: Gary Compton, Pat Wright, Ron Smith
Mix of photo-strip and drawn art
Bludd Feud! 3 episodes (Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future 11 to 13) 3 pages
Script: David Bishop,
Artist: Ron Smith,
Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Mean Machine
Unpublished newspaper strip?
Computer Warrior (Judge Dredd Mega Special 1990)
Script: Alan Grant,
Artist: Ron Smith
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Restricted Files Restricted Files 03
The Judge Dredd Roleplaying Game (Judge Dredd D20 Core Rules) 256 pages
Script: Matthew Sprange,
Artist: Scott Clark, Nathan Webb, Anne Stokes, Ron Smith, Cam Kennedy, Steve Dillon, Carlos Ezquerra, Ian Gibson, Brett Ewins, Brian Bolland, Mike McMahon
d20 core rules
Reprinted Judge Dredd D20 Limited Edition Rulebook
The Rookie's Guide to The Justice Department (Judge Dredd D20 The Rookie's Guide to the Justice Department) 64 pages
Script: John Caliber,
Artist: Ron Smith, Mike McMahon, Carlos Ezquerra, Colin MacNeil, Cam Kennedy, John Caliber, John Higgins, Steve Dillon, Scott Clark
RPG Supplement
Target Mega-City One (Judge Dredd D20 Target: Mega-City One) 32 pages
Script: John Caliber,
Artist: John Caliber, Steve Dillon, Mike McMahon, Ron Smith, Nathan Webb
RPG Scenario. Part Three of the Kazan Gambit
Mega-City One's Most Wanted (Judge Dredd D20 Mega-City One's Most Wanted) 24 pages
Script: Matthew Sprange,
Artist: Mike McMahon, Brian Bolland, Steve Yeowell, Cam Kennedy, Nathan Webb, Ron Smith, Barry Kitson, John Caliber
RPG Supplement
The Rookie's Guide to Block Wars (Judge Dredd D20 The Rookie's Guide to Block Wars) 64 pages
Script: Matthew Sprange,
Artist: Nathan Webb, John Caliber, Ian Gibson, Mike McMahon, Ron Smith
RPG Supplement
The Sleeping Kin (Judge Dredd D20 The Sleeping Kin) 32 pages
Script: John Caliber,
Artist: Nathan Webb, John Caliber, Cam Kennedy, Ron Smith
RPG Scenario. Part One of the Kazan Gambit Trilogy
The Rookie's Guide to Psi-Talent (Judge Dredd D20 The Rookie's Guide to Psi-Talent) 92 pages
Script: Matthew Sprange,
Artist: Brett Ewins, John Caliber, Ron Smith
RPG Supplement
The Rookie's Guide to Criminal Organisations (Judge Dredd D20 The Rookie's Guide to Criminal Organisations) 64 pages
Script: Matthew Sprange,
Artist: Colin Wilson, Dave Gibbons, Ron Smith, Ian Gibson
RPG Supplement
Russian Roulette (Judge Dredd D20 Russian Roulette) 32 pages
Script: John Caliber,
Artist: Ron Smith, Nathan Webb, John Caliber
RPG Scenario. Part Two of the Kazan Gambit
The Rookie's Guide to Crazes (Judge Dredd D20 The Rookie's Guide to Crazes)
Script: Marc Farrimond,
Artist: Cam Kennedy, Ron Smith, John Caliber, Nathan Webb
RPG Supplement
The Rookie's Guide to the Undercity (Judge Dredd D20 The Rookie's Guide to the Undercity)
Script: Matt Sharp,
Artist: John Caliber, Carl Critchlow, Brett Ewins, Carlos Ezquerra, Mike McMahon, Ron Smith, Steve Dillon (uncredited)
RPG Supplement
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