Thrills 2000AD Artist: 6
Other Artist: 4
Covers 2000AD: 2
Other: 1

Going Straight (2000AD Annual 1980) 5 pages
Script: Unknown,
Artist: Jose Luis Ferrer ?
Set in "Megacity Four", but has no Judge Dredd connection
Reprinted Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 28, Colour: Unknown
Holocaust 9 episodes (Starlord 14 to 22) 69 pages
Script: Alan Hebden,
Artist: Horacio Lalia (1-5), Magallanes Salinas (6), Jose Luis Ferrer (7),
Letters: Steve Potter (1, 3-4), Jack Potter (2), Peter Knight (5-7)
Massacre on the Moon 5 episodes (Starlord 15 to 19) 34 pages
Script: Chris Lowder,
Artist: Carlos Pino (1, 3, 5), Jose Luis Ferrer (2, 4),
Letters: Jack Potter (1), Paul Bensberg (2-3), Peter Knight (4-5)
Reprinted Rebellion: Ro-Busters The Complete
The Tax Man Cometh! 3 episodes (Starlord 20 to 22) 23 pages
Script: Chris Lowder,
Artist: Jose Luis Ferrer (1, 3), Carlos Pino (2),
Letters: Tom Frame/Bill Henry (1), Paul Bensberg (2), Peter Knight (3)
Reprinted Rebellion: Ro-Busters The Complete
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