Mongrol 2 episodes (Progs 121 to 122) 12 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Peter Knight
Reprinted Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 1
DC/Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Meknificent Seven
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Mek-nificent Seven
The Bougainville Massacre 2 episodes (Progs 125 to 126) 12 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Peter Knight
Reprinted Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 1
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 01
DC/Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Meknificent Seven
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Mek-nificent Seven
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 07, Colour: Unknown
Mars, the Devil Planet 1 episode (Prog 129) 6 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tom Knight
Reprinted Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 1
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 02
DC/Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Meknificent Seven
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Mek-nificent Seven
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 08, Colour: Unknown
The Red Death 2 episodes (Progs 132 to 133) - Read Online
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Peter Knight
Reprinted Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 2
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 02
The Best of 2000AD 13
The Best of 2000AD Special Edition 1999
DC/Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Meknificent Seven
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Mek-nificent Seven
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 09, Colour: Unknown
Mad George 3 episodes (Progs 137 to 139)
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Peter Knight
Reprinted Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Book 2
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 03 (1)
Fleetway Quality: ABC Warriors 04 (2-3)
The Best of 2000AD 14
DC/Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Meknificent Seven
Titan: A.B.C. Warriors Mek-nificent Seven
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 11, Colour: Unknown
The Tripods 3 episodes (Progs 1240 to 1242) 18 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tom Frame
Reprinted Rebellion: A.B.C. Warriors The Third Element
Judge Whitey 1 episode (Prog 2) 5 pages - Read Online
Script: Peter Harris,
Artist: Mike McMahon (first picture of Judge Dredd by Carlos Ezquerra),
Letters: McGowan
Featuring: "Whitey" Logan, Judge Goodman Timeline data: 2099
Reprinted Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of
Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 1
Judge Dredd Annual 1982
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 2, Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 57, Colour: Unknown
The New You 1 episode (Prog 3) 4 pages
Script: Kelvin Gosnell,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: John Aldrich
First reference to Dredd's city as Mega-City One
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 1
Judge Dredd Annual 1986
The Brotherhood of Darkness 1 episode (Prog 4) 4 pages
Script: Malcolm Shaw,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Bill Nuttall
First story to involve the Cursed Earth (although not named till Prog 61)
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 1
Judge Dredd Annual 1982
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 20, Colour: Unknown
Frankenstein II 1 episode (Prog 6) 4 pages
Script: Malcolm Shaw,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted 2000AD Annual 1983
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 1
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 21, Colour: Unknown
The Statue of Judgement 1 episode (Prog 7) 4 pages
Script: Malcolm Shaw,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: John Aldrich
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 1
Judge Dredd Annual 1986
Robot Wars 8 episodes (Progs 10 to 17) 41 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Carlos Ezquerra (1), Ron Turner (2, 4, 7), Mike McMahon (3, 6), Ian Gibson (5, 8),
Letters: John Aldrich (1, 5), Bill Nuttall (2), Jack Potter (3-4, 6), Tony Jacob (7), Peter Knight (8)
Featuring: First appearance of Walter the Wobot in ep. 1.
Reprinted Prion Books: 2000AD The Best of
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 1 (1-6)
The Complete Judge Dredd 2 (7-8)
Judge Dredd Annual 1986 (1)
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 1 (1-5), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 2 (6-8), Colour: John Burns
Brainblooms 1 episode (Prog 18) 5 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Jack Potter
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 2
The Comic Pusher 1 episode (Prog 20) 4 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Bill Nuttall
Featuring: Max Normal
First appearance of Max Normal
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 2
Judge Dredd Annual 1983
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 3, Colour: John Burns
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 23, Colour: Unknown
Smoker's Crime 1 episode (Prog 23) 5 pages
Script: Gerry Finley-Day,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tom Frame/Peter Knight
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 3, Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 58, Colour: Unknown
The Wreath Murders 1 episode (Prog 24) 5 pages
Script: Malcolm Shaw,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: John Aldrich
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 2, Colour: John Burns
Dream Palace 1 episode (Prog 26) 5 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 2, Colour: John Burns
The Academy of Law 2 episodes (Progs 27 to 28) 9 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Ian Gibson (1), Mike McMahon (2),
Letters: Bill Nuttall (1), Tony Jacob (2)
Featuring: First appearances of Judge Giant Snr (as cadet in training), Judge Griffin (Principal, Academy of Law, later Chief Judge)
aka Rookie. First appearance of the Academy of Law. Timeline data: 2099
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 2
Judge Dredd Annual 1985
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 4, Colour: John Burns
Quality: Sam Slade Robo-Hunter (Volume 2) 20, Colour: Unknown
The Return of Rico 1 episode (Prog 30) 6 pages - Read Online
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Featuring: Rico Dredd, Maria
This story features the first appearance of Dredd's clone brother, Rico. It was also revealed Dredd's first name as Joe. The Return of Rico was one of the stories used in the Judge Dredd movie in 1995. Timeline data: 2099
Reprinted Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Fleetway: Judge Dredd Definitive Ed. Hall of Justice
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 14, Colour: John Burns
Komputel 1 episode (Prog 32) 5 pages
Script: Robert Flynn,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Judge Dredd Annual 1983
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 28, Colour: Unknown
Mutie the Pig 2 episodes (Progs 34 to 35) 10 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon (1), Ian Gibson (2),
Letters: Tony Jacob
Featuring: Walter the Wobot, Maria
aka Death of Dredd
Reprinted 2000AD Prog 351 (1)
2000AD Prog 352 (2)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 4, Colour: John Burns
The Troggies 2 episodes (Progs 36 to 37) 8 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Ian Gibson (1), Mike McMahon (2),
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Judge Dredd Annual 1985
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 4, Colour: John Burns
The Ape Gang 1 episode (Prog 39) 5 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon
aka Monkey Busuiness
Reprinted Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 3
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 15, Colour: John Burns
Titan: Judge Dredd Paperbacks Monkey Business
Showdown on Luna 1 1 episode (Prog 43) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tony Jacob
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 4
Eagle: Judge Dredd the Early Cases 5, Colour: John Burns
Red Christmas 1 episode (Prog 44) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 4
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 14, Colour: John Burns
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 6, Colour: Unknown
Full Earth Crimes 1 episode (Prog 58) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Brian Bolland (first 2 pages), Mike McMahon
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 5
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 53, Colour: Unknown
Return to Mega-City 1 episode (Prog 59) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Reprinted Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 5
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 14, Colour: John Burns
Firebug 1 episode (Prog 60) 7 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Reprinted Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01
The Complete Judge Dredd 5
Fleetway: Judge Dredd Definitive Ed. Metal Fatigue
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 14, Colour: John Burns
The Cursed Earth 25 episodes (Progs 61 to 85) 164 pages
Script: Pat Mills (1-10, 21-25), John Wagner (11-16, 19-20), Chris Lowder (17-18),
Artist: Mike McMahon/Brian Bolland
Featuring: Tweak, First appearance of Satanus, son of Old One Eye (from Flesh) in ep. 9, Judge Solomon (flashback)
Episodes 11-12 (Burger Wars) and 17-18 (Soul Food) can not be reprinted because of copyright infringment. Burger Wars stars Burger King and Ronny Mcdonald. Soul Food features the Jolly Green Giant, the Michelin Man, and a number of other commercial characters. An apology strip was printed in Prog 84. Timeline data: 2100
Reprinted Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of (1-2, 21-22)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 02 (1-10, 13-16, 19-25)
The Complete Judge Dredd 6 (1-8)
The Complete Judge Dredd 7 (9-10, 13-16, 19-21)
The Complete Judge Dredd 8 (22-25)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Collected Cursed Earth (1-10, 13-16, 19-25)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Cursed Earth (1-10, 13-16, 19-25)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Cursed Earth 1 (1-10)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Cursed Earth 2 (13-16, 19-25)
(1-10, 13-16, 19-25)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Cursed Earth (1-10, 13-16, 19-25)
Eagle: Judge Dredd 5 (1-5?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 6 (6-10?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 7 (13-16, 19?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 8 (20-24?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 9 (25?), Colour: John Burns
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection The Cursed Earth
The Day the Law Died 20 episodes (Progs 89 to 108) 111 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon (1-3, 8-9, 12), Brett Ewins (4, pencils 5, 17), Brendan McCarthy (inks 5, 17), Brian Bolland (pencils 6-7), Garry Leach (inks 6-7), Brian Bolland (10, 13-14), Garry Leach (15), Ron Smith (16, 18-20),
Letters: Tom Frame (1-2, 6-20), Tom Knight (3), Jack Potter (4)
Featuring: Judge Cal, The Kleggs, Judge Goodman (murdered in ep. 1), Judge Griffin
First appearances of Judge-Tutor Pepper (later Deputy Chief Judge) ep. 4, Fergee ep. 12. Timeline data: 2101
Reprinted Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Complete Judge Caligula
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Judge Caligula 1 (1-7)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Judge Caligula 2 (8-20)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 02
The Complete Judge Dredd 10 (14-20)
The Complete Judge Dredd 8 (1-2)
The Complete Judge Dredd 9 (3-13)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Day the Law Died
Eagle: Judge Dredd 10 (3-7?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 11 (8-12?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 12 (13-17?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 13 (18-20?), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 9 (1-2?), Colour: John Burns
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Day the Law Died
Christmas Comes to Des O'Connor Block 1 episode (Prog 144) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon
aka "The Day Barney Went Haywire"
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 2
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 03
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd Classics 66, Colour: Unknown
The Complete Judge Dredd 13
Fleetway: Judge Dredd Definitive Ed. Metal Fatigue
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 15, Colour: John Burns
Uncle Ump's Umpty Candy 1 episode (Prog 145) 5 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 2
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 03
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd Classics 66, Colour: Unknown
The Complete Judge Dredd 13
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 15, Colour: John Burns
Quality: Judge Dredd (Volume 2) 17, Colour: Unknown
Judge Minty 1 episode (Prog 147) 5 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon
The Long Walk shown for the first time
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 1
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 03
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd Classics 66, Colour: Unknown
The Complete Judge Dredd 14
Fleetway: Judge Dredd Definitive Ed. Hall of Justice
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 15, Colour: John Burns
The Judge Child 26 episodes (Progs 156 to 181) 163 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Brian Bolland (1, 7, 17-18), Ron Smith (2-4, 9-10, 12-14, 19-20, 24-26), Mike McMahon (5-6, 8, 11, 15-16, 21-23),
Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Hershey, Mean Machine, The Angel Gang
Alan Grant begins as co-scripter. Timeline data: 2102
Reprinted Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of (1-5)
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 04
Eagle: Judge Dredd in The Judge Child Quest 1 (1-5?), Colour: Mike McMahon
Eagle: Judge Dredd in The Judge Child Quest 2 (6-10?), Colour: Ian Stead
Eagle: Judge Dredd in The Judge Child Quest 3 (11-15?), Colour: Ian Stead
Eagle: Judge Dredd in The Judge Child Quest 4 (16-20?), Colour: Ian Stead
Eagle: Judge Dredd in The Judge Child Quest 5 (20-25?), Colour: Ian Stead
The Complete Judge Dredd 14 (1-3)
The Complete Judge Dredd 15 (4-13)
The Complete Judge Dredd 16 (14-22)
The Complete Judge Dredd 17 (23-26)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Complete Judge Child Quest
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child 1 (1-9)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child 2 (10-18)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child Quest
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child 3 (19-26)
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Judge Child Quest
The Aggro Dome 1 episode (Prog 183) 6 pages
Script: Alan Grant/Kelvin Gosnell,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 46
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 04
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd Classics 64, Colour: Unknown
The Complete Judge Dredd 17
Fleetway: Judge Dredd Definitive Ed. Bad Science
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 13, Colour: John Burns
Monkey Business at the Charles Darwin Block 2 episodes (Progs 184 to 185) 12 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 9
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 04
Fleetway Quality: Judge Dredd Classics 66, Colour: Unknown
The Complete Judge Dredd 17
Fleetway: Judge Dredd Definitive Ed. Bad Science
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 2
Eagle: Judge Dredd 13, Colour: John Burns
Titan: Judge Dredd Paperbacks Monkey Business
The Fink 4 episodes (Progs 193 to 196) 26 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Featuring: First appearance of Fink Angel
Reprinted Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Judge Dredd and the Angel Gang
Prion Books: Judge Dredd The Best of
The Best of 2000AD 13
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 04
The Complete Judge Dredd 18
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 20
Titan: Judge Dredd Chronicles Book 3
Eagle: Judge Dredd 16, Colour: John Burns
Block Mania 9 episodes (Progs 236 to 244) 55 pages
Script: John Wagner/Alan Grant,
Artist: Mike McMahon/Ron Smith/Brian Bolland/Steve Dillon
Featuring: Judge Giant Snr, Orlok the Assassin, Max Normal
Prelude to The Apocalypse War. Timeline data: 2103
Reprinted Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Apocalypse War
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics The Complete Apocalypse War
Titan: Judge Dredd Epics Block Mania
Rebellion: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 05
The Complete Judge Dredd 23
Eagle: Judge Dredd 18 (1-5), Colour: John Burns
Eagle: Judge Dredd 19 (6-9), Colour: John Burns
Hachette: Judge Dredd The Mega Collection The Apocalypse War
War Games 7 episodes (Progs 1153 to 1159) 43 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Neil Googe (1), Mike McMahon (2), Charlie Adlard (3), Andy Clarke (Pencils 4-5), Stephen Baskerville (Inks 4-5) , Colin Wilson (6-7),
Colour: Trevor Hairsine (1-3), Chris Blythe (4-5), Janet Gale (6-7),
Letters: Tom Frame
Featuring: Judge Anderson
Reprinted Hamlyn: Judge Dredd Hamlyn Doomsday for Dredd
Voices Off 1 episode (Prog 1308) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Colour: Chris Blythe,
Letters: Tom Frame
Reprinted Judge Dredd Megazine 301
Shaggy's Big Shoot 1 episode (Prog 1539) 6 pages
Script: Robbie Morrison,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Dredd takes off his helmet!
Lord of the Fyreflies 1 episode (Prog 2054) 6 pages
Script: Rory McConville,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Colour: Chris Blythe,
Letters: Annie Parkhouse
Superbean 1 episode (Prog 245) 6 pages
Script: John Wagner,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 4
2000AD Extreme Edition 28
Quality: Time Twisters 07, Colour: Unknown
Fall & Rise of Ro-Jaws and Hammerstein 13 episodes (Progs 103 to 115) 78 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Kevin O'Neill, Mike McMahon and Mike Dorey
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 71 (1-11)
The Best of 2000AD 72 (12-13)
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 08 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 09 (3-4), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 10 (5-6), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 11 (7-8), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 12 (9-10), Colour: Unknown
Fleetway Quality: Cyber Crush 13 (11-13), Colour: Unknown
2000AD Extreme Edition 24
Titan: Ro-Busters Book 2
Rebellion: Ro-Busters The Complete
Warrior's Dawn 1 episode (Prog 335) 6 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tom Frame
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD Special Edition 1993
DC/Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
Titan: Sláine The Collected Slaine
Titan: Sláine Book 1
Titan: Sláine The King
Quality: Spellbinders 02, Colour: Unknown
Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
The Beltain Giant 1 episode (Prog 336) 6 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 20
DC/Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
Quality: Spellbinders 02, Colour: Unknown
Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
Heroes' Blood 3 episodes (Progs 345 to 347) 18 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon,
Letters: Tom Frame
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 59
DC/Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 01, Colour: Unknown
Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
The Shoggey Beast 4 episodes (Progs 348 to 351) 23 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 59
DC/Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 01 (1-2), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 02 (3-4), Colour: Unknown
Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
Sky Chariots 9 episodes (Progs 352 to 360) 52 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Mike McMahon
Reprinted The Best of 2000AD 21
DC/Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 02 (1-3), Colour: Unknown
Quality: Sláine the Berserker/King 03 (4-9), Colour: Unknown
Titan: Sláine The Collected Slaine
Titan: Sláine Book 1
Titan: Sláine The King
Rebellion: Sláine Warrior's Dawn
The Book of Scars 6 episodes (Progs 1844 to 1849) 45 pages
Script: Pat Mills,
Artist: Clint Langley (1,6), Clint Langley (after Massimo Belardinelli) (2), Mike McMahon (3), Glenn Fabry (4), Simon Bisley (5),
Letters: Ellie De Ville
Episodes individually titled.
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